I hope you all had a happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Joyous Kwanza.
I just saw my LLMD again and we have switched up my meds and routine yet again. She said it was because my body won't tolerate us moving any faster that we need to go slow with the heavy meds.
Good Morning pill routine |
Betaine Hydrochloride 1 pill, 3x daily- to help with digestion
Iodomere 3 pills, 1x daily in the morning- to help with thyroid function.
Calcium Lactate 2 pills, 2x daily (afternoon/night with meals)- to help with heart palpitations
Symplex-F 2 pills, 2x daily (morning/afternoon with meals)
Detox 2, 1/4 tsp daily before bed.
Along with these meds she directed me to eat pumpkin seeds to help aide digestion and fight off parasitic infections , magnesium spray, epsom salt baths (to help with detox)
Detox 2 is no joke. So first impression was this is going to suck. Considering when i was in my doctors office she was explaining to me that both her and her office manager have been on it and it was not easy to take. It looks like a charcoal ash that comes in a small container. The directions say to mix with a small amount of water, down it like a shot and then down water. Now here comes the unfortunate part.. it tastes like it looks (like ash) and you can't have it with any food. 45 minutes before you eat and it needs to be taken on an empty stomach.
So this is a few days after i saw her (the 26th) and i am definitely noticing some new side effects. My LLMD has explained to me that sometimes when the parasites and bacteria die off you can have their emotions. Either rage or feeling as if you are grieving are common when people are fighting Lyme. I have definitely been feeling equal sides of both lately which can be very confusing and they can switch very fast. Trying to keep my emotions in check can be more difficult than normal which is just another added obstacle. Also the heart palpitations are back, along with anxiety, fevers, swollen glands, increased paranoia, shakey/unstable hands, increased muscle fatigue and general fatigue. I can't say that i have high hopes for these changes in medication but then again it may be just because i'm feeling pretty down as i write this.
As the new year approaches, heres to wishing for a healthier and brighter 2014!