

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Not so Happy Birthday to Me :(

Hello everyone! First off today is my birthday and i wish i had better news to share about whats been going on. I wish i could say that i haven't been writing was because i've been so busy being happy and healthy elsewhere but sadly that is not the truth. 
All my AIP/Paleo peeps can feel me on this one..
The past couple months i have been getting worse. I gained a few pounds (165 to 168) and my health seems to be drastically declining. My sleeping patterns have become really erratic or non existent. My adrenal glands are way overactive and stressed and my thyroid is being lethargic. My sugar levels have been insanely low, along with my magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc all being in a funk. She also thinks that i may have a gene mutation called MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase) that would account for my thyroid being funky and having serious adrenal gland issues. I have been to two of my doctors over the past week and lets just say i'm tired of hearing bad news. I was in such a good mood for a long time. Happy with the insane progress i have made and the changes seemed to really be paying off in all aspects of my life.  

About three weeks ago i started to notice my sleep was getting really bad. I was consistently waking up late for work and it was clearly impacting my energy levels throughout the day when i was sleeping a shoddy four hours a night (more if i was lucky). I was going to the gym every day after work after working 12 hours three days a week and two four hour days. I feel like any time i find things start to go well my body has other plans. Can we all remember that like two seconds i had abs? That was pretty cool..

The apple cider vinegar that i was taking (which is UH-mazing for de-bloating) was now giving me sever migraines  I am now on all sorts of new medications! YAY. (i will post names and pictures later i just don't have them on me right now). Lastly i have upped my medications for the enzymes and probiotics to double aka (3 or 4 pills of enzymes every time i eat-depending on how heavy or large my meal is; 1/2 tsp probiotics twice a day).

So now here i am. On my 22nd birthday, slowly slipping back from all the progress i worked so hard for. So forgive me for bitching a bit because i am pissed. It has taken me a very long time to "come to terms" with the fact that my body does whatever it wants, whenever it wants without consulting me...and it sucks. So i'm a little bitter and pissed off today. And god forbid i actually would be able to drown my sorrows in some german chocolate cake or half baked froyo because we all know that would end in me rolling around on the ground swearing and crying.

Thank you Leaky Gut for proving that i am your bitch.

Happy birthday right?