

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hampton trip...

So i just realized that i never even told you guys about what happened in Hampton! I'm not sure how this one got missed...

Well basically what happened is C and i signed up to volunteer at the spartan race up in Amesbury sometime in august. We got stuck in a ton of traffic on the way up and by the time we got to park we were beyond late for our assignment. There was a huge screw up on the spartan race's park by lack of direction with the volunteers and then we had decided to head up to hampton and make it a beach day and then go back the following day to help break everything down.

We really had an amazing day just hanging out by the water, laying back and relaxing. We ended the day buying some fireworks and setting them off by the beach. Before we left to head back on the 90 minute drive home, we decided to stop and get something to eat. 

I saw a place i have been before and decided it was a good idea to stop there. We stopped at Ceal's clam shack. (Now mind you i have learned now that it is never a smart idea to eat at a shack/stand with food intolerances and allergies but unfortunately this lesson i had to apparently learn the hard way.) I almost squealed with excitement when i saw a little sign that said that they had Udi's gluten free rolls. When i went to order i told the woman i was allergic to gluten and she seemed to understand and put in our order. 
I was so excited that i even took a picture.. oh the irony
My plain hamburger on a udi's roll popped out of the other order window a few minutes later and i woofed that thing down like i haven't eaten in days. Within about five minutes my stomach started to get really upset. I knew something wasn't right...

So C started driving us back and i could feel my stomach starting to wrench and twist around. WHICH FEELS AWESOME. This was seriously the worst episode i have had in the past year by far. I was sitting in his car and with each passing moment i could feel myself getting more and more sick.

Sweating, fevering from hot to cold, hot to cold.

Feeling my stomach twist and turn.

And to be honest and a tad graphic i didn't know if i was going to straight up shit myself or throw up.

The poor guy kept asking if he needed to pull over. No no...

Now keep in mind we were still doing that hang out dating sort of thing then. And lets get real no one ever wants to go into explicit detail of what their body does to "evacuate" food when you are intolerant/allergic to it.

Anyways i don't really remember much except for sitting in his car crying with my hand over my face and repeatedly apologizing for having that happen and being completely mortified. We finally got to my house and i was completely delirious at this point. Rushed into the house and pretty sure i told him i would grab all of my stuff later.

C being the super nice guy that he is sent me a text shortly after making sure that i was okay.  A few weeks after this thats when he told me that was the day that he knew he really cared about me.

Needless to say i did not end up returning the following day. I was feeling the effects for about ten days after it happened. Sick to my stomach for the following three and bloating  weight gain and brain fog for the rest.

I followed up by calling the restaurant and letting them know what had happened. I wasn't mad (although i had every right to) i was more concerned that someone with a more severe allergy could have landed in the hospital. The manager was very kind and assured me that she would be re-educating her employees on food safety. 

Moral of the story/lessons learned:


2. C is a keeper.

3.Finding places to eat out is becoming increasingly impossible with my ever growing food intolerances.

4. If at any time you are not sure about the safety of your food DO NOT hesitate to talk to the waitress, manager or chef.

I was feeling pretty good during the day and made this little thing in the sand. looks pretty neat eh?

September 25th 2013

So i don't even know where to being without ranting. Its been a long month full of lots of changes and new beginnings. 

So the good, the bad and the nasty.

The Good:

I have been seeing an amazing guy for a little while now who i can officially call my boyfriend. We'll call him "C" (out of respect for his privacy and i'm pretty sure he doesn't even read this blog...). He is amazingly supportive, a genuinely good guy and for some reason or another can put up with me and all of my health woes. FINALLY NOT SINGLE. Better yet that feeling of being 100% comfortable with someone and knowing that you completely support you. Nothing can really touch that feeling right now.

Oh and remember back when i got glutened in Hampton? Oh ya that was C in the car driving. That was 90 minutes of pure horror on my behalf sitting in that car mortified of having that episode with him being around. Well at the very least he knows full willingly what he got himself into haha. 

C and i got to spend a nice weekend up in Vermont at the Spartan race at Killington Mountain. I was so happy to have a stress free weekend away. I was really proud of my progress with my arm strength because for the first time i was able to do the monkey bars all by myself (saving my 30 burpees! yay!!) 

I have become an unstoppable trivia force and am seriously considering packing my bags and traveling around winning trivia everywhere i go. Just kidding. But seriously i have been winning trivia every tuesday for a while now and finally won some money on scratch tickets ($105 total!) plus i won a winter classic hoodie and tee shirt last week. winner winner.

I have stopped losing weight but i am super happy with the visual progress i have seen in my body from continuing to work out. (far left early Sept, middle is two weeks ago and far right is the day after the spartan race)

Lastly finally getting a grip on what foods i can have without dying. Close to coming to a point where i get what my diet is. Dessert hacks! I attempted to make "ice cream" from bananas. Well it didn't blend as well as i hoped and i added some almond milk and soon enough it ended up looking more like a frosty from wendy's than ice cream. Either way it was delicious and totally agreed with my tummy!
Frozen bananas, nutella, non dairy enjoy life chocolate chips and slivered almonds!

The Bad:

My stomach problems have only been getting worse. With every weekly trip to the doctors comes more medications, more diagnosis, more bills, more tests..more more more.

After seeing Karen (my naturopath) this past week i actually took a day off work today because i was sick. Sometimes after she does the manual lymph node drainage a day or two later i feel like death. Correction every time she does it this happens. It just gets worse like it is today when there are bugs going around. 

The Ugly:

As of this past week i was officially diagnosed as having celiac disease. Now this is a bittersweet diagnosis because i'm very glad to know whats wrong so i can make corrective changes to my life to get better. But on the other hand my tests for sensitivities and allergies are getting worse. Either that or i had an incorrect reading previously. Either way it makes me pretty concerned. 

Sick girl supplies at it finest 
After i get the lymph node drainage massage from Karen i get pretty sick unfortunately. Whats happening is that my body is physically releasing all of the toxins and sickness that was being held into my system. So basically it sucks more times than others when its flu season because otherwise i don't get sick it just comes full force all at once. So here i am home sick from work today writing this post. At least i'm being productive?.. ish?
Silly faces can heal your soul sometimes..maybe not but i enjoy making a goofy face anyways
Now don't get me wrong  over the past few months my attitude towards my health issues have greatly changed. I feel as if i have become more positive and confident in my decisions regarding my health. I have a great support system of friends who unfortunately share similar issues, a great boyfriend and a mom who is trying to understand. Surrounding yourself with good and understanding people is really the best advice i can give to anyone in a similar position.                                                                         

 I feel very optimistic for the future and even with my new diagnosis comes more life changes. This is all a process of learning and growing and i am more than thankful for everyday and for the people who are in my life. 

Nothing but love love love.

Until next time....

Monday, September 2, 2013

"Resetting your system"

Hello hello!

I was speaking with a friend about doing another "reset" of my diet since things have been declining recently. So i usually do a one of these following diets to help my system take a break.

GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome)- This diet is primarily  used to help tame the symptoms of such psychological disorders like ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Depression, Anxiety and Schizophrenia.  As we all know because of the link between the neurological auto immune responses this diet in turn can help calm a lot of aggravation in your system.
GAPS diet is more than just a dietary change. In GAPS it is recommended to make certain lifestyle changes and add certain vitamins and supplements into your system (most of which is you have candidia or Leaky Gut you are already on).

GAPS requires that you DO NOT CONSUME the follow foods:


  • Added Sugars (agave, aspartame, corn syrup, nutra-sweet, dextrose or any sugar/sucrose of any kind)
  • Dairy Products (cheese (goat or cow), Acidophilus milk, cottage cheese, cream or whey/casein/lactose)
  • Junk foods (hot dogs, ice cream, soda, tapioca etc.)
  • Grains (cereals, bulgur, couscous, buckwheat, wheatgerm, pasta, rye, rice, etc.)
  • Beans (chick peas, black eyed beans etc.)
  • Randoms (white potatoes, okra, pectin, sago, sherry, starch, turkey loaf etc.)

For the most part those foods are common sense to avoid. I find that i no matter what always stay away from gluten and all dairy products because i have such a severe reaction. 

For the approved GAPS foods the basic rule it to get it as fresh and organic as possible to be able to get the most nutrients from your foods. 

  • Berries (all kinds)
  • Almonds
  • Butter/Ghee
  • Coconut (fresh, Shredded, dry no additives)
  • Herbal Teas
  • Lentils
  • Gin, vodka (occasionally) 
  • Lamb, Goose, Duck
  • Fresh homemade yogurt
(See link above for full list)

Dr. Feingold's Diet-  So this elimination diet was designed specifically for children with ADHD. He believes that having synthetic additives in the diet that it can cause serious learning, behavioral and health effects for those who are sensitive. This diet specifically eliminates salicylates, added food dyes/colorings, aspartame and preservatives from the diet. (AKA. if it comes in a box more than likely you can't have it).

So Simple if it isn't fresh or have a ton of ingredients on the back of the box DON'T EAT IT.

FODMAPS (Fermentable Oligo-, Di and Mono-Saccharides, and Polyols)- Is an abbreviation for a collection of short chain carbohydrates found in many common foods. This diet is used to treat those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS/IBD) but has been found useful with those with conditions that leave their stomach sensitive. The idea is to eliminate these carbohydrates from the diet to relieve the amount of gas and liquid that collects in the small and large intestine which then leads to distention. 
This diet does not encourage eliminating major groups of food but rather the foods that can cause the most upset. Click here for a printable for the list of FODMAPS.

AIP (Auto Immune Protocol)- This diet is designed specifically to deal with Leaky Gut. This diet in my opinion is spot on for treating the aggravating factors for my stomach. I although (like a bad girl) do not follow AIP along with Paleo 100% of the time. I personally love my eggs in the morning and my tequila to end my week. I do however not do this every week and i refer to the AIP when my stomach needs a "reset". Now keep in mind that this is in conjunction with the Paleo diet so that means ghee= good (gluten/dairy/grains/added sugars are all a no as well). My favorite book Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo goes into great detail in the auto immune section about why these are to be avoided. 

  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Seeds (cocoa, coffee, seed-based spices as well)
  • Nightshades (Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and hot peppers & spices derived from peppers.
  • Alcohol
  • NSAIDS (like aspirin or ibuprofen)

I find that unfortunately for the most part this is all a guessing game in figuring out what works best for you and your body.

As always email me with any questions or comment below if you have any experience with any of these diets! 
That last post was me being a negative Nancy so i'm going to try and pull things around this time haha. So things sadly have not improved much since i last wrote. 

I spoke to a few of my friends regarding my new symptoms (in which all either have AI disorders or stomach issues unknown). Recently i find that there is a disconnect from my head and my body. I know this sounds weird and bare with me while i try to explain myself the best i can. I feel as if there is no connection between the two. Any incident that happens with one does not effect the other as if they are two separate entities. Another new thing thats been happening is i feel an out of body experience and almost feel like i'm watching things happen as if i'm on auto-pilot. Anyone else out there feel that way? Not that i don't feel like i can control what i am doing in the moment just that i'm removed from the situation.

Anyways i am slowly working down my list of foods to something a bit more concrete. One saving grace is that my organic lemonade from whole foods and espalon blanco tequila makes me very happy!
I recently tried out this margarita mix with the lemonade and tequila and it was quite delicious!

So i think i am FINALLY over the carbs "hump". I feel like i no longer crave that entenmanns raspberry danish or those coffee cake slices when i go to Panera. I means its really all about the small victories anyways right?

But i do find that because of the allergies and diet that its been hard to regulate my blood sugar and i find myself crashing. For the time being there is no developments in that area sadly. So i carry about little unjunked candy bars and jolly ranchers for when i start to dip a little too low. 

So i think i am finally over losing weight now too. Its been a month and my weight is slowly creeping up. For the first time in a long time i am totally okay with this. I started to take my weight lifting a little less intense and eat more protein immediately after i work out so i don't miss the anabolic window. Theres no complaints on that because i found a Luna protein bar thats GLUTEN FREE and not to mention freakin delicious!

Lastly i went on a spur of the moment adventure with a friend to Mystic Seaport last week and got the chance to spend a day outside kayaking and checking out some cool old building in the sea port. 

We went out to eat at this amazing Vegan/Vegetarian restaurant called Kate's Cafe. I literally can't say enough. I spent the whole meal freaking out that i could literally have anything on their menu. All dairy/gluten free and whatever was made with soy was clearly labeled  I don't think people really understand how amazing it is when i go somewhere and this happened. But i seriously ate like it was my last meal. It was gluten free foccia bread, sweet potato fries, roasted red peppers and portabello mushrooms. 

Oh and lastly how could i have forgotten? I signed up for a 100 mile virtual race challenge from Dirt in Your Skirt a while back. You run 100 miles from Memorial day to Labor Day. Well i did it and got a fancy belt buckle/medal to add to my growing pile!

Till next time :)