

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Live and Learn

Recently i've been getting annoyed with the amount of things i need to do to keep myself in check so i thought that it would be a good idea to try living without my medication... bad idea. 

So as you may know my starting weight was 196 and i am currently at 177!! YAYYY
In case you aren't so hot at math that means i weight 19 pounds less since starting my new diet and medications. 

About two weeks ago after being fed up with having to tote around probiotics, digestive enzymes, glutamine pills and my apple cider vinegar i decided to quit cold turkey and see what would happen. I'm not going to lie it felt pretty nice to not have to take anything or worry about where or what i would be eating. I still kept to my diet and my low intensity exercising but  noticed some downsides. First off i will be the first to admit i do stupid things.. like this. But i learn quick and i learned that you shouldn't try to fix a system if it isn't broken. I immediately noticed that the number on the scale had stopped going down. Now i have been losing weight at .3-.6 pounds every three days so this was a tad bizarre. And so after being stuck at the lovely 178.4 for two weeks i had a talk with my naturopath (who i just so happened to have an already scheduled appointment with). After our little powwow i got home and started on the meds again because well.. it works. 

So here i am. Once again back on what seems to be an endless round a bout of meds and doctors appointment but at least a little bit lighter! Although i am happy about my weight loss thus far i am still upset that i am not making progress as fast as i had hoped. I believe anyone with a life long condition can understand how frustrating it can be to have to change so many parts of your life to live healthier. 

To be blunt. Its a whole lot of work to keep myself in a good place mentally/physically/emotionally. And sometimes its just hard to not let yourself be brought down by a lot of the disadvantages of dealing with such issues. The worrying and planning that goes into what should be a simple night out is simply exhausting at times. But keep your head up and remember you are doing your best. You are human you will make mistakes. 

And as long as you learn from your mistakes and are trying to make systems so its easier to live your life the way you need to to be healthy then thats all that matters.

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