

Monday, September 2, 2013

"Resetting your system"

Hello hello!

I was speaking with a friend about doing another "reset" of my diet since things have been declining recently. So i usually do a one of these following diets to help my system take a break.

GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome)- This diet is primarily  used to help tame the symptoms of such psychological disorders like ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Depression, Anxiety and Schizophrenia.  As we all know because of the link between the neurological auto immune responses this diet in turn can help calm a lot of aggravation in your system.
GAPS diet is more than just a dietary change. In GAPS it is recommended to make certain lifestyle changes and add certain vitamins and supplements into your system (most of which is you have candidia or Leaky Gut you are already on).

GAPS requires that you DO NOT CONSUME the follow foods:


  • Added Sugars (agave, aspartame, corn syrup, nutra-sweet, dextrose or any sugar/sucrose of any kind)
  • Dairy Products (cheese (goat or cow), Acidophilus milk, cottage cheese, cream or whey/casein/lactose)
  • Junk foods (hot dogs, ice cream, soda, tapioca etc.)
  • Grains (cereals, bulgur, couscous, buckwheat, wheatgerm, pasta, rye, rice, etc.)
  • Beans (chick peas, black eyed beans etc.)
  • Randoms (white potatoes, okra, pectin, sago, sherry, starch, turkey loaf etc.)

For the most part those foods are common sense to avoid. I find that i no matter what always stay away from gluten and all dairy products because i have such a severe reaction. 

For the approved GAPS foods the basic rule it to get it as fresh and organic as possible to be able to get the most nutrients from your foods. 

  • Berries (all kinds)
  • Almonds
  • Butter/Ghee
  • Coconut (fresh, Shredded, dry no additives)
  • Herbal Teas
  • Lentils
  • Gin, vodka (occasionally) 
  • Lamb, Goose, Duck
  • Fresh homemade yogurt
(See link above for full list)

Dr. Feingold's Diet-  So this elimination diet was designed specifically for children with ADHD. He believes that having synthetic additives in the diet that it can cause serious learning, behavioral and health effects for those who are sensitive. This diet specifically eliminates salicylates, added food dyes/colorings, aspartame and preservatives from the diet. (AKA. if it comes in a box more than likely you can't have it).

So Simple if it isn't fresh or have a ton of ingredients on the back of the box DON'T EAT IT.

FODMAPS (Fermentable Oligo-, Di and Mono-Saccharides, and Polyols)- Is an abbreviation for a collection of short chain carbohydrates found in many common foods. This diet is used to treat those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS/IBD) but has been found useful with those with conditions that leave their stomach sensitive. The idea is to eliminate these carbohydrates from the diet to relieve the amount of gas and liquid that collects in the small and large intestine which then leads to distention. 
This diet does not encourage eliminating major groups of food but rather the foods that can cause the most upset. Click here for a printable for the list of FODMAPS.

AIP (Auto Immune Protocol)- This diet is designed specifically to deal with Leaky Gut. This diet in my opinion is spot on for treating the aggravating factors for my stomach. I although (like a bad girl) do not follow AIP along with Paleo 100% of the time. I personally love my eggs in the morning and my tequila to end my week. I do however not do this every week and i refer to the AIP when my stomach needs a "reset". Now keep in mind that this is in conjunction with the Paleo diet so that means ghee= good (gluten/dairy/grains/added sugars are all a no as well). My favorite book Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo goes into great detail in the auto immune section about why these are to be avoided. 

  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Seeds (cocoa, coffee, seed-based spices as well)
  • Nightshades (Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and hot peppers & spices derived from peppers.
  • Alcohol
  • NSAIDS (like aspirin or ibuprofen)

I find that unfortunately for the most part this is all a guessing game in figuring out what works best for you and your body.

As always email me with any questions or comment below if you have any experience with any of these diets! 

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